Nederlandse Vereniging voor Heelkunde en Koninklijk Belgisch Genootschap voor Heelkunde

Citeer dit artikel als
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1989;133:1239-43

Vergadering gehouden op 7 en 8 oktober 1988 te Amsterdam

G.Andry, G.Chantrain en P.Dor (Brussel), Unusual clinical presentation of 4 cases of differentiated thyroid carcinomas


Illustrate that thyroid cancer can be overlooked in some particular clinical presentations.


Four distinct clinical presentations are presented: (1) a large neck mass mimicking an hemangioma revealed metastases in lymph nodes of the jugular chain with an occult primary tumour, (2) a submandibular cyst, slowly enlarging, disclosed a papillary carcinoma of the thyroid, (3) an abcess located below the angle of the mandible was surgically drained four times before the lymph node metastasis…


Nederlandse Vereniging voor Heelkunde, Centraal Secretariaat, Postbus 20061, 3502 LB Utrecht.

Dr.J.C.J.Wereldsma, secretaris.

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