Risk and outcome in anesthesia.

D.L. Brown
G.M. Woerlee
L.H.D.J. Booij
Citeer dit artikel als
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1989;133:418

Risk and outcome in anesthesia. Onder redactie van D.L. Brown. 420 bl., fig., tabellen. Lippincott, Philadelphia 1988. Prijs: geb. 49,50.

Common perioperative problems and the anaesthesist

G.M.Woerlee, Common perioperative problems and the anaesthesist. (Developments in critical care medicine and anesthesiology.) 643 bl., fig., tabellen. Kluwer, Dordrecht 1988. Prijs: geb. ƒ 225,-…

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