BEVORDERD TOT DOCTOR: Te Groningen A.J.W.Scheurink op proefschrift Central nervous control of metabolism, M.F.Jonkman op proefschrift Epidermal wound healing between moist and dry. The enhancing effects of a new poly(ether urethane) wound covering on the reepithelialization of partial-thickness wounds, G.A.P.Hospers op proefschrift Mechanisms and circumvention of cellular resistance to Cisplatin; te Nijmegen T.F.Oostendorp op proefschrift Modelling the fetal ECG en P.J.J.Plasmans op proefschrift The extensive amalgam restoration; te Rotterdam G.A.Dekker op proefschrift Prediction and prevention of pregnancy-induced hypertensive disorders. A clinical and pathophysiologic study.
Bevorderd tot arts
Te Amsterdam (Vrije Universiteit) mw.C.A.Aberson, mw.K.Daling, mw.L.J.van den Doel, W.J.van der Eerden, R.M.van…