Neurology and neurosurgery illustrated

K.W. Lindsay
I. Bone
G.D. Perkin
J.A.L. van Neste
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Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1998;142:1687

K.W.Lindsay en I.Bone, Neurology and neurosurgery illustrated. 3e druk. 573 bl., fig., tabellen. Churchill Livingstone, New York 1997. ISBN 0-443-05061-9. Prijs: ingen. ƒ 113,40.

Mosby's color atlas and text of neurology

G.D.Perkin, Mosby's color atlas and text of neurology. 306 bl., fig., tabellen. Mosby-Wolfe, Londen 1998. ISBN 0-7234-2497-7. Prijs…

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