Nederlandse Vereniging voor Nucleaire Geneeskunde

Citeer dit artikel als
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1987;131:1541-3

Vergadering gehouden op 21 en 22 november 1986 te Maastricht

R.E.Coleman (Durham, NC, USA), Current status of nuclear cardiology

Radionuclide studies of the heart are approximately one-third of the imaging studies performed in nuclear medicine. Gated blood pool studies provide important information concerning global and regional ventricular function. The results provide both diagnostic and prognostic information in patients with suspected coronary artery disease (CAD). The exercise acquisition should be performed while the patient is at a constant, maximum workload, since the ejection fraction (EF) increases rapidly with slight decreases in workload. A decrease in EF with exercise is sensitive but…


Nederlandse Vereniging voor Nucleaire Geneeskunde, Postbus 48, 7900 AA Hoogeveen.

G.Samson, voorzitter commissie wetenschappelijke ontmoetingen.

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