2001 Juli 7-13 Amsterdam (RAI), 1e wereldcongres van the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (tel. 020-6793411 Eurocongres Conference Management). Augustus 13-31 Rotterdam, The Erasmus Summer Programma 2001 (tel. 010-4087669 mw. Tanja Wilson, Erasmus Medical Congress Organization). 18 Rotterdam, Skills Courses ‘How to organize a clinical trial?’ (tel. 010-4087669 mw. Tanja Wilson, Erasmus Medical Congress Organization). 18 en 25 Rotterdam, Skills Courses ‘How to write a medical paper?’ (tel. 010-4087669 mw. Tanja Wilson, Erasmus Medical Congress Organization). 24-25 Nijmegen (PAOG-Heyendael), ‘DSTL-course’ (tel. 024-3617280 mw.M.Dam). 29-31 Utrecht (Universiteit), internationaal symposium ‘Comparative clinical and molecular endocrinology’ (tel. 030-2531693 mw.L.B.van Ouwerkerk, symposiumsecretariaat)…
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Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2001;145:1323-4
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2001;145:1323-4