1995 Augustus 26 Amsterdam, Ver. Ned. Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. 27-30 Den Haag, Europees epidemiologie congres, bl. 1006. 28 Rotterdam, Erasmus Summer Lectures ‘Smoking and mortality’ (tel. 010-4087881 Bureau PAOG). 29 Rotterdam, Erasmus Summer Lectures ‘Up from Mantel-Haenszel’ (tel. 010-4087881 Bureau PAOG). 30 Rotterdam, Erasmus Summer Lectures ‘The epidemiology of homicide’ (tel. 010-4087881 Bureau PAOG). 30-1 sept. Noordwijkerhout, ‘The annual conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology and the International Society for Exposure Analysis’ (tel. 08370-84124 mw. Susan Peelen, congressecretariaat). 30-2 sept. Amsterdam (RAI), III European congress of gerontology (tel. 020-5491212 congressecretariaat). 31 Rotterdam, Erasmus Summer Lectures ‘Intrauterine life and…
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Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1995;139:1766-7
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1995;139:1766-7