1991 Juli 5-7 Leiden, Third International Symposium on Disposition and delivery of peptide drugs (tel. 071-274341). 6 Amsterdam (RAI), ‘Thrombosis management in The Netherlands. A 20 years experience’, bl. 1148. 8-12 Amsterdam (Pulitzer Hotel), ‘Anticancer drug development’, bl. 198. Augustus 21-23 Maastricht (MECC), ‘Hospital in the 21st century’ (tel. 043-258344). 23 Amsterdam (Inst. v.d. Tropen), ‘Public Health in the United States and in Europe, is there a difference?’ (tel. 020-6261372). 26-30 Amsterdam, ‘International Summer School of Brain Research’, bl. 538. 29 Amsterdam (PAOG), ‘Prostaat-lijden’, bl. 1104. 31 Amsterdam, Ver. Ned. Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. September 1-4 Maastricht, ‘Eurotox '91’, bl. 1104…
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Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1991;135:1245-6