1987 Augustus 29 Amsterdam, Ver. Ned. Tijdschr. voor Geneeskunde. 31 Bilthoven (RIVM), Mycobacteriën-dag, bl. 972. 31-4 sept. Amsterdam, ‘Neurochemistry of functional neuroteratology; permanent effects of chemicals on the developing brain’, bl. 743. September 3 Amsterdam (Novotel), ‘Weldaad of overdaad?’, bl. 1192. 3-5 Maastricht, International Congress on Intensive Care Medicine. 5 Amsterdam (AMC), ‘Will to be well’, bl. 1192. 5-6 Leiden, ‘Disposition and delivery of peptide drugs’, bl. 743. 7 's-Hertogenbosch (Willem Alexander Zkh), IKZ, ‘Paraneoplastische syndromen’. 7-9 Groningen (AZ), ‘Development neurology of the infant and young child. Neurological variations and aberrations’, bl. 927. 7-9 Rotterdam (PAOG), European Meeting of the…
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Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1987;131:1539-40
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1987;131:1539-40