Doorlopende agenda

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Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1987;131:1241-2

1987 Juli 5-11 Casablanca (Marokko), 8th World Medical Games. 6-10 Amsterdam (Caransa), ‘Principles of contemporary immunology’. 6-10 Brussel, ‘International Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis’, bl. 687. 13-14 Amsterdam (Novotel), ‘Preparing clinical protocols and good clinical practices’. Augustus 13-19 's-Gravenhage (Congresgebouw), International Congress of Hypnosis and Psychosomatic Medicine. 14-15 Stein am RheinSH (Zwitserland), Workshop ‘AIDS-related neoplasias’. 20-21 Maastricht (RUL), ‘The growth of medical knowledge’, bl. 926 23-28 Den Haag (Congresgebouw), ‘Midwives hold the key to healthy families’, bl. 1241. 27-29 Nijmegen (KU), VIe Reinier de Graaf Symposium, bl. 687. 28 Zeist (hotel Figi), ‘Menselijke risicofactoren in de civiele luchtvaart’, bl. 1241…

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